Rhonda M Anderson
Professional Massage Therapy

About Me

Thank you for inquiring more about who Rhonda M. Anderson is and what does A Healthy Revolution, LLC

offer to bio-individuals such as yourself.  I am licensed massage therapist that has a lot of experience with deep tissue massage.  My experience in injuries and rehab have come from working in a chiropractors office. I have seen everything from frozen shoulder, sciatica, herniated discs, rotator cuff injury and of course cervical and shoulder complications. 

I have several certifications in different modalities such as treatments for Fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, some Ayurveda massage techniques, cupping and cryotherapy.

Not only am I a licensed massage therapist here in the state of Pennsylvania, I am also a certified integrative health and wellness coach.  What is an integrative health and wellness coach? This does not mean that I am a drill sergeant at dieting and pushing supplements! I just wanna clear that up. Lol!! An integrative health and wellness coach assists the healing of mind, body and spirit.  Of course there will be lifestyle changes that are involved in this process per each individual, along with a ton of support and adjustment of your needs. What better way to compliment the mind, body and spirit healing process than to add this option to my massage practice.

Please reach out to me for more information on upcoming massage offerings or to sign up for a FREE 60 minute wellness consult, this can be done virtually.

Thank you for stopping by!!  
